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Regents Judith Johnson Recognizes South as Reward School

Judith Johnson, a member of the Board of Regents, attended the Board of Education meeting last night to honor Clarkstown High School South as a Reward School.

Most recently, State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia identified 185 high achieving and high progress schools as Reward Schools. According to the State Education Department, Reward Schools are schools that demonstrate either high academic achievement or the most progress with minimal gaps in student achievement between certain populations of students.

Regents Johnson recognized South Principal Deb Tarantino at the Board meeting presentation, making reference to Ms. Tarantino's leadership in the area of supporting all students, specifically through the 40 Developmental Assets program that the school offers as elective courses and uses as a springboard to promote character education.

As stated in the press release, Commissioner Elia said "These schools serve as models to other schools in the state to inspire them to achieve a higheer level of accomplishment and improvement."

Joining Ms. Tarantino last night was Assistant Principal Kevin Horan.

Congratulations to Ms. Tarantino, students, faculty, staff administrators and parents of Clarkstown High School South for this outstanding recognition by the State Education Department of New York.

- Martin Cox

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